How to stop procrastination: Break the cycle by building these 7 simple habits

You have things that need to be done. But you keep postponing it because you don't feel motivated enough to take action. Students, an employee for a corporate business, workers from home... We have all been there.

I'm not here to tell you a miracle step that will help you eliminate procrastination. And honestly, I have been procrastinating from writing this article for MONTHS.

I'm here to tell you simple action steps that have personally worked for me over time. Steps you can start today!

Healthy habits to stop procrastinating in the short-term

#1 Break down a task mentally

It might feel like a stretch to go from your comfortable sofa to your work desk or the nearest coffee shop where you can get some work done. In my opinion, you can start by mentally breaking down a big task into smaller pieces to get started. Once you get a picture of what you want to do, you can start by working on small task #1.

Example: Before writing this article, I started by imagining what sub-topics I could write about. Then I started jotting down bullet points which motivated me enough to write a draft.

Tip: Make sure the task is small enough to get you started. Small work is still work.

#2 Get to work right now

Tomorrow is an exciting day to write this article. But January 5, 2024, is way more exciting because it's today.

Get to work once you have a mental picture of what you want to accomplish today. Start with the smallest task in your to-do list. Live in the present and take immediate action instead of waiting for tomorrow.

#3 The 5-second rule

As humans, we sometimes tend to overthink and complicate tasks without taking action. It makes sense to put some thought into your actions for big decisions like buying a car. On the other hand, smaller decisions like designing a flyer for your business can be made in seconds.

To begin working on small task #1, start a 5-sec countdown like 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, take a deep breath, and start working immediately.

This helps you:

  • Kill indecisiveness

  • Avoid overthinking

  • Relax because of the deep breath

  • Take INSTANT action at the end of the countdown

#4 Remove distractions

Wherever you work should be distraction-free. Avoid sitting right next to the TV, remove playing cards from your work desk, silence your phone, and put it away.

It's even better if you have a trusted accountability partner because you can give your phone to them and get it back only after you're done working. Accountability partners should also help you stay focused and check in regarding your progress.

#5 Add distractions

Let me explain.

Healthy distractions such as your favorite work playlist or playing focus music in the background can help you stay focused.

Or distractions such as scheduled 5-10 minute breaks after an hour of deep work will give you time to move around, get some water, and gain clarity on complicated tasks before you get back to work again.

Healthy habits to stop procrastinating in the long term

#1 Find your passion

A couple of months back when I started working on freelance design projects, I would spring out of bed and get to my desk. I was excited to work because the projects were exciting to me. It fueled my passion for design.

Having work related to your passion will help you enjoy what you are doing. You won't feel like you're "working" because you're having fun by doing things that you love. At the same time, you're clearing your to-do list.

#2 Consistency, habit formation, and forgiveness

Consistency is key.

You eliminate procrastination today only to fall back into the trap tomorrow? NOOOO!

If you get something small done today, focus on finishing another follow-up task the next day, the day after, and so on.

New research shows that it can take anywhere from 66 days to eight months to form a new habit. Every individual is different. So I want you to believe you can form a habit faster if you're passionate about it.

I'll be real with you.

Nobody is perfect.

There will be days when you are productive enough to get a lot of things done and there will be days when you will procrastinate.

Be kind to yourself when you procrastinate. Forgive yourself. After all, who can forgive you but you?

Learn from the mistakes that you make today so you can build a better version of yourself tomorrow.

Final thoughts: Healthy procrastination

After reading all this, if you still feel like "Yea, thanks for this article but I'm gonna procrastinate anyway, bye ๐Ÿ‘‹"

Well... surprise surprise.

There are steps you can take to turn unhealthy procrastination into healthy procrastination.

For instance:

  • If you usually procrastinate by scrolling and liking random posts on Instagram, now is your time to start scrolling LinkedIn and engaging with the professional community there.

  • The next time you do something fun (playing games, watching Netflix with friends, etc) simply start streaming on Twitch without overthinking. Someone might like your energy and follow you for more content.

  • If you always wanted to make cooking videos and post them on YouTube, you can set up a camera in the background while you cook and post the result anyway. It will help you get started.

The goal is to START. Get the ball rolling with the least amount of tasks you can get done. Aim for consistency rather than perfection. Reward yourself with a little treat when you are done.

PRO TIP: If you have a project in mind, head to Hatrio Creative and download this free logo pack to start your dream project. A logo and a name are the first steps!

Stay motivated fam!